Wednesday, August 5, 2015


There are 44 more days until Jeff and I get married.  The biggest event I've ever been a part of planning will happen then, and that'll be immediately followed by a complete life change in every area of life that I can list.  Everything changes in 44 days.

The past 2 weeks I feel like I'm on a plane going down a runway.  The velocity is shooting up every day and we're lifting off the ground from anything familiar.  Newness envelopes us on all sides.

Lord, You know that I like going slow and steady.  I like being able to breathe and enjoy the familiar blessings You've surrounded me with.  There are too many plants in this garden to keep from wilting.  I'm uncomfortable with the pace right now.  I'm prone to do what minimizes stress as much as possible, but peace isn't my God.  Father, I don't want to check off all my boxes and find that I lost sight of my relationship with You and with Jeff 50 tasks ago.

Now is when the beauty of prioritizing shines.  Lord, what's Your priority for me these next 44 days?  Please show me.  Locking eyes with You in the midst of the waves sounds like a fantastic priority.  Quieting down to listen to You speaking sounds like it would make the next 44 days into a hugely productive blessing.  Here I am and here are all the flowers in my garden.  I surrender to You my growth and their growth, my flourishing and their flourishing.  Thank You for being the great Gardener and Knower of tough plants.

This speed Lord that we're keeping is so fast.  I surrender that to You, and I commit to learning from it, not resisting it.  I know that in a few days there will be another gear change and we'll shift into hyperdrive.  Without Your eyes to look at, I'll be frantic.  Here I am Lord, please help me to keep my eyes stayed on You.  You are my Delight, my Strength and the Lifter of my head.  You are right here. Thank You for Your eyes.

1 comment:

  1. It'll be new and wonderful. And in 37 days we'll be there, in a new life together. You've been so strong through this tough but fun and memorable time! - Jeff
