I'm in a season where my mind is so full that it tends to stop whatever I want it to think about to replay a recent memory or to remind me of something I need to do soon. That's made it difficult to focus in my times with the Lord and reading the Bible has been tricky.
I'm quick to want to condemn this season as one where I'm wandering away from the Lord, but when I think about it from a bigger picture view, I'm not sure that reasoning holds up. A week's worth of life has been crammed into the last three days. My birthday, my roommate's bachelorette party, two weddings, being a bridesmaid, having family in town, getting time with my fiancé--the Lord has put all of this into a short little jaunt of a weekend. And yesterday marked only 2 more months till our wedding. My brain is overloaded with remembering the past with delight, thinking forward to our wedding with anticipation and jitters, and trying to get a handle on what my to do list looks like. Were I the sinless version of myself, I don't think those events happening on the same weekend would have changed. But the way I reacted to each part would definitely have been way better.
As I've been fighting to stay focused on the Lord this morning, I remembered this line from a song I like: "Take a moment to remember who God is and who I am. There You go, lifting my load again."
Who God is: King, never forgets anything (except our forgiven sin), the Architect of time, my Savior, the One who's for me, the ultimate fulfillment of all my desires, the Lord of heaven and of earth, brought Jeff and me together, can do anything He wants, delights in us, hates sin, Poet, most important, the Center of my story, wants to take our burdens
Who I am: sheep, led by the Lord, the Lord's daughter, part of the Bride of Christ, in the 'already but not yet' part of the story, not superman, not invincible, not able to do more than I'm able, tired, nervous, excited, not the center of my life, not built to carry burdens
Lord, I need Your help to stay afloat these next two months. Here's the wedding and all the plans tied in. I surrender them to You. Please help me to listen well to how You want me to live and plan and delegate and dream and remember. Please quiet me down so I can hear You. Thank You for the wedding that You gave to David and Britt last night and James and Kristin the night before. Thank You for letting us be a part of that. You're so good to us Lord! May we find You today and stay close.
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