Saturday, February 6, 2016

Pesky Distractions

Although he's still in a suit, the man with the clear rimmed glasses filed away his tie hours ago.  His salt and pepper hair is ruffled, showing that it's been a long day.  One more flight till he's home.  He got to the correct gate a half hour before boarding, so he sat down to run through his emails.  As he jumped through the hoops for wifi, a flicker out the window showed the plane attaching to the extending jet bridge.  For a hair of a second, he envisioned himself as the driver maneuvering that massive engine.  'Imagine the horsepower,' he thought.  'How much maneuverability would I really have with such small wheels?  I wonder...' but then came a firm yet almost imperceptible "No" in his head and immediately his mind jumped tracks back to his email.  

The overpowering "No" guarding his attention span enables this man to focus in his life on what he wants instead of what he experiences.  Cutting his imagination off at will means that he can walk a linear road and be a linear person.   Smart.  Totally necessary for any kind of focus.

I've noticed lately that those hair of a second moments seem to be growing dimmer in my life.  And all the sudden I want them back.  I want the pesky distractions.  I've let my "No" grow into too much of a bully.

Now I'm on the alert searching for those random flashes of imagination in my life.  And when they come, I want to feed them.  What you feed grows.  After all, the Lord created me to be a human being not a machine, and that wasn't an accident.

And who knows what those spotty flashes can grow into?  I honestly don't know, but maybe one day it'll grow to be a steady blink flashing like a camera on the Lord's beauty.

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